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Aug 21, 2024
Europe's Oldest Mothers are Italian; is Having Children Still a Choice?
Italy has the oldest mothers in Europe. More than 8 out of every 100 babies have mothers over40. But why don't people have children earlier?

Jun 2, 2023
Having Children, One in Six Struggle With Infertility
When are you going to have kids? Not everyone who doesn't have children is doing so by choice; one in six struggle with infertility

May 5, 2023
Why Aren't We Having More Children? Here's the Honest Truth
The fertility gap it’s the difference between the amount children we would like to have and the children we actually have.

Mar 28, 2023
Reproductive Science Hasn't Been Able To Beat Biology: The Why Wait Agenda Meets Jessica Hepburn
Jessica Hepburn has come to represent the people who haven't and won't be able to conceive, even with all the medical aid available

Feb 9, 2023
Mothers over 40: it seems easy enough on TV, but what about real life?
Tv series Sex Education and Dead To Me feature the plot point of a mature woman becoming pregnant by accident. But, is this even possible?

Jan 31, 2023
Delaying parenthood, how can the trend be reversed? The Why Wait Agenda meets Melinda Mills
Delaying parenthood is becoming increasingly common: Oxford's professor Melinda Mills focus on the policies that could reverse the trend.

Jan 4, 2023
40 is the new 30, but not for your eggs: in a TEDx the whole truth about the odds of late motherhood
A spirited and forthright testimony about having children late in life: getting pregnant after a certain age is not exactly simple
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