Aug 21FactsEurope's Oldest Mothers are Italian; is Having Children Still a Choice?Italy has the oldest mothers in Europe. More than 8 out of every 100 babies have mothers over40. But why don't people have children earlier?
May 5, 2023FactsWhy Aren't We Having More Children? Here's the Honest TruthThe fertility gap it’s the difference between the amount children we would like to have and the children we actually have.
Jan 31, 2023PodcastDelaying parenthood, how can the trend be reversed? The Why Wait Agenda meets Melinda MillsDelaying parenthood is becoming increasingly common: Oxford's professor Melinda Mills focus on the policies that could reverse the trend.
Oct 20, 2022OpinionsA secular take on fertility: getting to the heart of the Why Wait Agenda in a TEDx TalkPutting the birth rate at the centre of public discourse from a secular standpoint: Eleonora Voltolina's TEDx talk “The Fertility Gap”
Oct 10, 2022OpinionsReproductive rights: being able not to have children… and being able to have them!The right to family planning's been recognised within the sexual rights since the 1960s. And to be able to have a child when one wishes?
Oct 10, 2022FactsBecoming a mother: the longer the wait, the fewer the chancesWhen it comes to having children, there is a key factor that differentiates women from men: the biological clock.
Oct 10, 2022FactsThe two key birth rate figuresThere are two figures to be aware of when talking about birth rates: the fertility rate and the average age when having the first child.